1 roll-embossed film
Polymers: RFLУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > roll-embossed film
2 Film
m; -(e)s, -e1. FOT. (roll of) film; wie viele Bilder sind noch auf dem Film? how many pictures are there left on the film (Am. roll)?; genug Filme mitnehmen take enough film Sg.2. (Kinofilm) film, bes. Am. auch movie; bester Film Oscar etc.: best picture; einen Film drehen shoot ( oder make) a film (Am. auch movie); einen Film von jemandem / etw. drehen film s.o. / s.th.; in einen Film gehen go to see a film (Am. auch movie); warst du schon in dem Film? have you seen ( oder been to) that film (Am. auch movie) yet?; da ist bei mir der Film gerissen umg. fig. I’ve got a complete blank about that3. nur Sg.; Branche: the cinema, bes. Am. the movies Pl.; Industrie: the film (Am. motion picture) industry, Am. auch Hollywood; beim Film sein be in films (bes. Am. auch movies), be in the film (bes. Am. auch movie) business; als Schauspieler: auch be a film (bes. Am. auch movie) actor ( weiblich: actress); zum Film gehen / wollen go / want to go into films (bes. Am. auch movies)4. (Häutchen, Überzug) film* * *der Filmmotion picture; film; movie; cinema; picture* * *Fịlm [fɪlm]m -(e)s, -e1) (alle Bedeutungen) film; (= Spielfilm) film, movie (esp US), motion picture (US); (= Dokumentarfilm) documentary (film)ein Film nach dem Roman von E. Marlitt — a film of or based on the novel by E. Marlitt
in einen Film gehen — to go and see a film, to go to a film
da ist bei mir der Film gerissen (fig inf) — I had a mental blackout (inf)
zum Film gehen/kommen — to go/get or break into films or movies (esp US)
beim Film arbeiten or sein (inf) — to work in films or in the movie business (esp US)
* * *der1) ((a thin strip of) celluloid made sensitive to light on which photographs are taken: photographic film.) film2) (a story, play etc shown as a motion picture in a cinema, on television etc: to make a film; ( also adjective) a film version of the novel.) film3) (a cinema film: There's a good picture on at the cinema tonight.) picture4) (a cinema film: a horror movie.) movie5) (a cinema film.) motion picture* * *<-[e]s, -e>[fɪlm]min einen \Film gehen to go and see [or to go to] a filmim Fernsehen läuft ein guter \Film there's a good film on television2. FOTO filmeinen \Film entwickeln lassen to get [or have] a film developed3. (Filmbranche) film industrybeim \Film arbeiten [o sein] to work in the film industry [or in films]zum \Film gehen to go into filmsein Fett-/Öl-/Staub\Film a film of grease/oil/dust5.▶ ich glaub', ich bin im falschen \Film! (sl) I don't believe it!, I have the feeling I'm not in Kansas anymore AM hum▶ bei jdm reißt der \Film (fam: sich nicht erinnern) sb has a mental blackout; (ausflippen) something snaps [in sb] fam* * *der; Film[e]s, Filme1) (Fot.) film2) (KinoFilm) film; movie (Amer. coll.)da ist bei ihm der Film gerissen — (fig. ugs.) he's had a mental blackout
3) o. Pl. (Filmbranche) films pl.beim Film sein — be in films
4) (dünne Schicht) film* * *1. FOTO (roll of) film;wie viele Bilder sind noch auf dem Film? how many pictures are there left on the film (US roll)?;genug Filme mitnehmen take enough film sgeinen Film von jemandem/etwas drehen film sb/sth;in einen Film gehen go to see a film (US auch movie);3. nur sg; Branche: the cinema, besonders US the movies pl; Industrie: the film (US motion picture) industry, US auch Hollywood;beim Film sein be in films (besonders US auch movies), be in the film (besonders US auch movie) business; als Schauspieler: auch be a film (besonders US auch movie) actor ( weiblich: actress);zum Film gehen/wollen go/want to go into films (besonders US auch movies)* * *der; Film[e]s, Filme1) (Fot.) film2) (KinoFilm) film; movie (Amer. coll.)da ist bei ihm der Film gerissen — (fig. ugs.) he's had a mental blackout
3) o. Pl. (Filmbranche) films pl.4) (dünne Schicht) film* * *-e (Fernsehen, Kino) m.movie (US) n. -e m.film n.picture n. -
3 film
m (G filmu) 1. (w kinie) film, movie US- filmy dla dzieci children’s films- film tylko dla dorosłych an adult a. adults only film- film o ptakach a film about birds- oglądać film w telewizji to watch a film on TV- nakręcić film to shoot a. make a film- występować w filmie to appear in a film- jako dziecko często występowała w filmach she was a child actress- jego ostatni film właśnie wchodzi na ekrany his latest film has just been released- prawie we wszystkich kinach grają teraz filmy sensacyjne thrillers are playing in almost every cinema at the moment- pójść do kina na film to go to (see) a film- zaprosić kogoś na film to invite sb to the cinema2. sgt (kinematografia) the cinema, the movies US, film U- francuska szkoła filmu French cinema- interesować się filmem to be interested in film a. (the) cinema3. (klisza) film U- włożyć nowy film do aparatu to put a new roll of film in(to) one’s camera- rolka filmu a roll of film- oddać film do wywołania to have some film developed- film barwny colour film- film negatywowy (photographic) film4. (taśma filmowa) film- film się zerwał w połowie pokazu the film broke in the middle of the screening5. (warstwa ochrona) film- ścianki rury pokryte są cienkim filmem the pipe is coated inside with a thin film- □ film akcji Kino action film- film autorski Kino auteur(ist) film- film dokumentalny Kino documentary- film drogi Kino road film- film edukacyjny Kino educational film- film epicki Kino epic (film)- film fabularny feature (film)- film grozy Kino horror (film)- film historyczny Kino historical film- film kostiumowy Kino costume drama- film krótkometrażowy Kino short (subject)- film kryminalny Kino detective a. gangster film- film muzyczny Kino musical film- film niemy Kino silent (film)- film nowelowy Kino episodic film- film obyczajowy Kino drama- film paradokumentalny Kino semidocumentary (film)- film płaszcza i szpady Kino costume adventure (film)- film przygodowy Kino adventure film- film przyrodniczy Kino documentary a. nature film- film rodzinny Kino family film- film stereoskopowy Fot. stereoscopic film- film telewizyjny Kino film made for television- film średniometrażowy Kino medium-length film■ film mu/mi się urwał pot. he/I got completely a. totally blotto* * *film; ( fabularny) (feature) film; ( dokumentalny) documentary (film); ( kinematografia) film (BRIT) lub movie (US) industryfilm animowany lub rysunkowy — (animated) cartoon
* * *mi1. ( utwór kinematograficzny) movie, film, motion picture; film fabularny feature film; film dźwiękowy movie with sound; film niemy silent film; film pełnometrażowy (full-length) feature film; film krótkometrażowy short film; film kostiumowy costume drama; film dokumentalny documentary (film); film reklamowy promotional film, infomercial; film rysunkowy (animated) cartoon, animated film; film panoramiczny wide-screen film; film animowany animated film; nakręcić film make l. shoot a film; (= kinematografia) film, cinematography; pot. the movies; szkoła filmu film school.2. fot. (= taśma, błona) film; film barwny/kolorowy color film; film czarno-biały black and white film; prześwietlić film expose film; film się komuś urwał pot. sb blacked out.The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > film
4 film
c black film [film]1. masculine nouna. ( = pellicule, œuvre) filmc black b. ( = mince couche) film2. compounds► film d'épouvante or d'horreur horror film* * *filmnom masculin1) ( œuvre) film, movie US2) ( déroulement d'événements) course, sequence3) ( pellicule) film4) ( mince couche) film•Phrasal Verbs:* * *film nm1) (= œuvre) film, movie2) (= pellicule) film, roll of film3) (= couche) [huile] film* * *film nm1 ( œuvre) film, movie US (sur about); un film à succès a box-office success; tourner/réaliser un film to shoot/direct a film; film parlant talking film, talkie○; film muet silent film;2 ( déroulement d'événements) course, sequence; le film des événements de l'été dernier the course of last summer's events;4 ( mince couche) film; film protecteur protective film.film d'animation cartoon; film d'aventures adventure film; film à bulles bubble-wrap; film catastrophe disaster film; film d'épouvante ou d'horreur horror film; film noir film noir; film policier detective film; film publicitaire publicity film; films à la demande movies-on-demand, MOD.[film] nom masculinles films d'aventures/d'épouvante adventure/horror filmsfilm en noir et blanc/en couleur black and white/colour filmfilm parlant talking film, talkie2. PHOTOGRAPHIE film3. [couche] film4. [pour la cuisine]5. [déroulement] sequence -
5 roll
لَفَّة \ coil: sth. coiled; a turn of sth. coiled: There was a coil of rope lying on the ground. curl: a ring or curved piece of hair (or of sth. formed like it): Her head was covered with soft brown curls. roll: sth. folded or turned round itself to form a tube: a roll of cloth; a roll of film. -
6 roll
طَيَّةٌ \ fold: a part folded back on itself: It was hidden in the folds of her dress. roll: sth. folded or turned round itself to form a TUBE: a roll of cloth; a roll of film. \ See Also لفة (لَفَّة) -
7 film u koturu
• roll film; roll-film -
8 film namotan na kalem
• roll-film -
9 film sa zaštitnom hartijom
• roll film -
10 film zwijany
• roll film -
11 film movie
فِيلم سِينمَائيّ \ film movie: a roll of small photographs to be shown in a cinema: We watched a film about animals. picture: a film for showing in cinemas: ‘The Sound of Music’ is a very famous picture. -
12 film
صَوَّرَ فيلمًا للسّينما \ film: to photograph (sth.) for the cinema: The ceremony was filmed. \ فِيْلم للتصوير \ film: a roll of plastic material for making photographs. -
13 Film Roll
File extension: FLM (AutoCAD/AutoShade) -
14 Roll Film
Abbreviation: RF -
15 Roll Film Adapter
Abbreviation: RFA -
16 roll film camera
Engineering: RFC -
17 roll film holder
Engineering: RFH -
18 roll film camera
Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > roll film camera
19 roll film master
оригинал рулонного микрофильма; оригинал на рулонной плёнкеАнгло-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > roll film master
20 rol-film
• roll-film
См. также в других словарях:
Shake, Rattle & Roll (Filipino film series) — Shake, Rattle Roll is a Filipino horror film series dating back to 1984. It is currently produced by Regal Films. Most of the series are official entries for the Metro Manila Film Festival with the exception of the sixth installment which… … Wikipedia
The London Rock and Roll Show (film) — Infobox Film name =The London Rock and Roll Show image size = caption = director =Peter Clifton producer =Peter Clifton writer = narrator = starring = music = cinematography = editing =Thomas Schwalm distributor = released = 1973 runtime =… … Wikipedia
Roll film — Rollfilm or roll film is any type of spool wound photographic film protected from white light exposure by a paper backing, as opposed to film which is protected from exposure and wound forward in a cartridge. Confusingly, roll film was originally … Wikipedia
roll — 1 verb 1 ROUND OBJECT (intransitive always + adv/prep, transitive) if something that is round rolls or if you roll it, it moves along a surface by turning over and over: The ball rolled into the street. | roll sth: Maybe we can roll the log to… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Film base — A film base is a transparent substrate which acts as a support medium for the photosensitive emulsion that lies atop it. Despite the numerous layers and coatings associated with the emulsion layer, the base generally accounts for the vast… … Wikipedia
film — I UK [fɪlm] / US noun Word forms film : singular film plural films *** Talking or writing about films: Types of film thriller a film with an exciting story that often involves a crime horror film a film that tries to make the audience very scared … English dictionary
film — film1 [ fılm ] noun *** 1. ) count or uncount the material that is used for taking photographs or recording moving pictures: I need some new film for my camera. a roll of film (=film that is held in a round metal container): I ve only got one… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
roll — 1. verb 1) the bottle rolled down the table Syn: turn round and round, go round and round, turn over and over, spin, rotate 2) waiters rolled in the trolleys Syn: wheel, push, trundle 3) we rolled past fields … Thesaurus of popular words
film — 1 /fIlm/ noun 1 (C) especially BrE a story that is told using sound and moving pictures, shown at a cinema or on television for entertainment; movie AmE : Have you seen any good films recently? | a French film see also: silent film silent (4) 2… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
film — 1. Photography. Pepa pa i ki i. ♦ Roll of film, ōwili pa i ki i, pōka a pa i ki i. 2. Thin covering. Uhi. See slime … English-Hawaiian dictionary
Film editing — is part of the creative post production process of filmmaking. It involves the selection and combining of shots into sequences, and ultimately creating a finished motion picture. It is an art of storytelling. Film editing is the only art that is… … Wikipedia